GVCP 42nd Annual Vigil to Commemorate the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

August 9, 2016

On Monday, August 8th, Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace held our 42nd annual vigil to commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. We were honored to be joined by Alison Clarke, long-time Rochester-area peace activist. Alison is our oldest member, and it’s a long drive from her home to the vigil in Avon. Still, she was there. We collected signatures for the Hibakusha petition calling for an end to nuclear weapons.  We applaud PANYS for continuing to focus on the dangers of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are hidden out of our sight.  We can’t let them slip out of our minds as well.

Arnie Matlin for GVCP

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