[GVCP] Meeting reminder–Sunday, 3/26, 1:00 PM in Livonia

March 22, 2017

Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972  “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363  Geneseo, NY 14454
<www.gvcp.org>  585-624-3673
March 11, 2017

Dear GVCP Member:

The next regular GVCP Meeting is Sunday, March 26th, at 5077 South Livonia Road, Livonia.  *NOTE NEW LOCATION* 1:00 PM (Snacks), 1:30 PM (Meeting).  New members are welcome!

Stand with our fellow peace activists outside Chris Collins’ office on Tuesdays.  A group of activists—including several GVCP members—protests outside Chris Collins’ office every Tuesday, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  Their basic demand is that Rep. Collins hold a town hall meeting, so that he can hear our concerns.  It’s a great opportunity to “take to the streets” with other like-minded people.  It’s a peaceful protest, and it’s a powerful one.

This Month’s Postcards:
Here’s a resistance activity we all can do, no matter how busy we are or what our work schedules are like. Join the nationwide effort to send Donald Trump a message on MARCH 15th, when hundreds of thousands of patriots across the nation will send Trump a postcard, telling him what you want him to hear.  Visit theidesoftrump.com for more information on how to join this nationwide campaign. Unfortunately, The Ides of Trump website doesn’t mention increased military spending as one of the terrible things Trump is planning.  (He is making so many wrong decisions that it’s hard to list them all.) GVCP can help fix that omission by concentrating on the military spending issue on our postcards.

Our friend Judith Hunter also suggests that you send a postcard to Rep. Chris Collins on March 15th, requesting a town hall meeting. Wouldn’t it be great to flood his office with postcards from our hometowns, showing him all the places in the district that he never visits?  We are real constituents who live in the NY 27th Congressional District, not outside agitators, and we want to speak with our Representative!  How can he represent us, if he won’t listen to us?  Here are the addresses to which to send your postcards:

President Donald Trump, The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500

Rep. Chris Collins, 128 Main St., Geneseo, NY 14454


Arnie Matlin for GVCP

GVCP is proud to be a chapter of Peace Action New York State

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