Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972 “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363 Geneseo, NY 14454
<> 585-624-3673 Find us on Facebook
October 4, 2017
Dear GVCP Member:
The next regular GVCP Meeting is Saturday, October 14th, 1:00 PM (Lunch), 1:30 PM (Meeting) at Mae’s (formerly Omega) Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Road Geneseo. [Note that the meeting is on Saturday.]
We’ve been invited to join a Rochester event that is part of the national protest against the war in Afghanistan.
The vigil is on Sunday, October 8th, at the corner of East Avenue and Goodman Street, Rochester. The vigil is Noon to 1:00 PM. (Rain or shine.) (Remember that many friends from the Rochester peace community joined GVCP’s celebration on September 21st. This is a great opportunity to reciprocate! Also, the 16th year war anniversary is the reason I’m repeating these letters:
This Month’s Letters: End the war in Afghanistan! President Trump was elected by people who hoped that he would stop our endless war in Afghanistan. Although Trump has not announced specific plans, he will almost surely send thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan, to add to the 8,400 US soldiers that are there now.
We know that US troops in Afghanistan are part of the problem, not the solution. Although the United States has invested $70 billion and 16 years in rebuilding the Afghan military, Afghan government forces control less than 60 percent of the nation’s territory. As long as US forces occupy Afghanistan, the Afghan people will continue to suffer from the tragedy of decades of endless militarism and war.
This US military intervention in Afghanistan has cost the U.S. 2,300 dead service members and an additional 17,600 wounded. Hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan have been killed or displaced. Besides the human costs, US taxpayers have paid over a trillion dollars for the war. Operations in Afghanistan cost us $4 million per hour.
We should have left Afghanistan a long time ago. President Trump is making the same mistake as both Republican and Democratic presidents before him, prolonging a war that has no realistic chance of a positive outcome. Write to Sen., Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, and your representative, by postal letter or email. Tell them to stop the war in Afghanistan!
Sen. Charles Schumer Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Rep. Chris Collins
100 State Street 100 State Street 128 Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614 Rochester, NY 14614 Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 263-5866 Phone: (585) 263-6250 Phone: (585) 519-4002
Arnie Matlin for GVCP
GVCP is proud to be affiliated with Peace Action New York State