Dear GVCP Member,
At our last meeting, several members spoke very highly of this program. Note that it’s this coming Sunday.
Arnie Matlin for GVCP
Paul Hawken project — PROJECT DRAWDOWN
Sunday, October 22, 2017 6-8 p.m.
WHAT: The PACHAMAMA ALLIANCE PRESENTS: Project Drawdown Introduction – Explore the radical and visionary message by Paul Hawken – on how we can move forward in REVERSING global warming!
In an inspiring and easily understandable format, using videos, slides and group discussion you will learn about the latest research on how we can reverse global warming.
We will:
- Discuss how the drawdown research provides the basis for us to redefine our relationship with global warming towards more optimism and agency.
- Talk about the top 80 solutions identified to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases and how they fit together to form a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming by 2050.
- Reflect on the solutions that call to us the most and share how, working together, we can get into immediate action.
Paul Hawken invites us to move from “Game Over” to “Game on!”
WHEN: Sunday, October 22, 2017 6:00-8:00 pm
WHERE: St Monica Church 831 Genesee St. Rochester, 14611
Please rsvp if possible at
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