The Paula Henry Peace Award is truly an idea that became a dream, and a dream that became a reality.
We owe a debt of thanks to several GVCP members who carefully, respectfully, and successfully negotiated this award with Livingston Arts. And, of course, we’re grateful to Betsy Harris of Livingston Arts for being equally careful, respectful, and successful.
Now, we need Livingston Arts members to submit works that represent “
World peace and the creation of a world where conflict did not include war, weapons, and nuclear proliferation.”If you’re an artist, but not a member, it’s probably not to late to become a member.
Livingston Arts
2018 Member’ Exhibition: Freedom of Expression
We look forward to hosting our Annual Members’ Exhibit, “Freedom of Expression”, which will be held at Livingston Arts from February 15th through March 17th. Livingston Arts members are invited to submit up to two pieces (2-D or 3-D) not previously exhibited in our member’s exhibit. 2-D works must be properly prepared for hanging. Depending on the availability of space, either or both of your submissions will be exhibited. There is no exhibition fee and no late entries will be accepted. To register, go to the Member’s Exhibit page on our website and fill out a Registration Form.
Important Dates:
2018 Registration Deadline: February 6th
Artwork Drop Off: February 7th – 9th, 10am-4pm, and February 10th, 11am-3pm
Opening Reception: Thursday, February 15th, 5-7pm
Exhibit Closes: Saturday, March 17th at 3pm
Artwork Pick-Up: Tuesday & Wednesday, March 20th & 21st, 10am-4pm
Paula Henry Peace Award
Livingston Art is pleased to announce the creation of the Paula Henry Peace Award, offered in collaboration with Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace. The Paula Henry Peace Award honors the work and values of our friend Paula Henry, who passed away in 2017. An artist and active member of Livingston Arts Council, Paula also was a long-time member of Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace. With GVCP, she envisioned world peace and strived to create a world where conflict did not include war, weapons, and nuclear proliferation.
The award is offered in the amount of $250 and will be given to the artist whose submission best represents the theme of peace. Judging will occur after Artwork Drop-Off, and the winner will be announced at the Opening Reception of the 2018 Freedom of Expression Member’s Exhibition.
Please contact Melissa with questions at 585.243.6785 or
melissa@livingstonarts.orgCopyright © 2017 Livingston Arts, All rights reserved.
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