[GVCP] From Tiba Fatli

February 25, 2018
Dear GVPC member,

Tiba Fatli was a very active member of Geneseo Peace Action and GVCP.

Her document (attached) is powerful and moving.

GVCP is waiting for information about student walkouts and student marches—locally and in Washington DC.  Then we can decide how to best support these actions.


Arnie Matlin for GVCP

From: Tiba Fatli <tiba.fatli@gmail.com>

Dear Dr. Matlin,

How are you doing?!

I am not sure if you remember me, but my name is Tiba Fatli. I was a member of Peace Action Geneseo and attended the monthly meetings and a couple of the conferences in DC and NY. I have been working with different agencies in the Middle East on refugee issues and I am finishing my masters in Migration and Refugee Studies at the American University, based in Cairo. I have been reading emails and following the development of peace action from afar!

In response to the recent shootings that happened in the states, I wrote a piece that draws on my experiences in Iraq as well as in the states calling for gun control. I wanted to share it with you and see if its possible to get it to a larger audience.

I have attached it in this email.

I hope to hear from you soon.


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