[GVCP] GVCP newsletter 02-11-18

February 11, 2018

Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972  “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363  Geneseo, NY 14454
<www.gvcp.org>  585-624-3673 Find us on Facebook


February 11, 2018

Dear GVCP Member:

The next regular GVCP Meeting is Sunday, February 25th, 1:00 PM (Lunch), 1:30 PM (Meeting) at Mae’s Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Road, Geneseo.  [Note Sunday meeting]  
Save the date!  The First Annual Paula Henry Peace Award is offered in collaboration with the Genesee Valley Council on the Arts. The award honors GVCP member Paula Henry, who passed away in 2017.  With GVCP, Paula envisioned world peace, and strived to create a world that did not include war and weapons, especially nuclear weapons.  The award will go to the artist whose submission best represents the theme of peace.  The winner will be announced at the opening reception of the GVCA Members Exhibit.  This will take place on Thursday, February 15th, 5:00 – 7:00 PM at 4 Murray Hill Drive, Mt. Morris.  The exhibit runs from 2/15 – 3/17.  For more information contact:  GVAC 585-243-6785  info@gvartscouncil.org  *Please plan to attend*

This Month’s Letter: Tell Congress to Prevent War with North Korea
War is not the answer in North Korea.  However, the President’s dangerous rhetoric and frequent threats make the prospect of war seem ever more possible.  It’s time for Congress to reassert its constitutional authority over the power to decide when the United States initiates war.  
Congress must immediately seize control of this situation and stop the dangerous, escalating rhetoric on both sides from sparking a human disaster for the world.  Write to your members of Congress and ask them to support the No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act.  All eyes are on Korea right now, so this is a perfect time to act.  [Adapted from FCNL & PANYS]  
Tell your Representative and Senators to support a diplomatic pathway for peace with North Korea.  They can do this by cosponsoring the No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act.  Note that Rep. Louise Slaughter is an original co-sponsor. Please thank her.  This bill is H.R. 4140 in the House, and S. 2016 and S. 2047 in the Senate.

Write or call Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, and your representative, by postal letter or email.  Check their website to send a letter using that process.  

Sen. Charles Schumer            Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand             Rep. Chris Collins
100 State Street                      100 State Street                      128 Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614              Rochester, NY 14614              Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 263-5866           Phone: (585) 263-6250            Phone: (585) 519-4002


Arnie Matlin for GVCP

GVCP is proud to be affiliated with Peace Action New York State

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