If President Trump fires Special Counsel Mueller, this would be a true emergency for the peace movement. Once Trump proves that he’s above the law, we may find that groups like GVCP are outside the law. We can’t ignore this or just wait to see what happens next. We need to be out on the street.
GVCP members Holly Adams, Susan Bailey, and I are hosts of a Move.On event in Geneseo. If Trump fires Mueller—or, effectively, stops the investigation—we will be out on the streets to protest on 5:00 PM that day, if this happens before 2:00 PM. On or after 2:00 PM, we will be out on the streets to protest at 12:00 Noon the next day. The event will take place at the Veterans’ Memorial, at the south end of Main Street, Geneseo, where Main Street meets Route 20A.
Here’s the link to sign on:
It’s awkward to sign on to attend an event that may happen soon, or may happen later, or may not happen at all. However, once you sign on, we hosts can hit the button that says, “Send message to all attendees.” That way you’ll know the plan as soon as we know it.
Just go to the link, look for Geneseo, and click on that. (Some people may want to attend elsewhere in the region, but then we won’t be the hosts.) Once you’re signed on, you’re all set. Then, everyone waits.
No One is Above the Law!
Arnie Matlin for GVCP
P.S. Note that this will be a peaceful and legal protest. If you intend to do nonviolent resistance, this rally isn’t for you. I have informed the Geneseo PD that we’ll be there, and they’re actually eager to help us and keep us safe.