[GVCP] Newsletter 03-05-18

March 3, 2018

Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972  “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363 Geneseo NY 14454  
<www.gvcp.org <http://www.gvcp.org> >  585-624-3673 Find us on Facebook

March 5, 2018

Dear GVCP Member:

NEXT REGULAR GVCP MEETING is Saturday, March 31st, 1:00 PM (Lunch), 1:30 PM (Meeting).  Mae’s Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Rd (Route 20A) Geneseo.  Note Saturday meeting date.

?This Month’s Letter:  Don’t let Congress make mass shootings easier!
The House of Representatives has already passed the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. That means that all states would be required to recognize the gun laws of other states.  The result: gun owners from states with minimal restrictions would be allowed to carry their weapons anywhere.  This bill [S.446] will go to the Senate next.  Our senators must strongly oppose it!  Please write to Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand at 100 State St., Rochester NY 14614 telling them that they should work hard against this terrible legislation.  You can send them email messages by using their websites.  [Adapted from data provided by The Indivisible Team.]

Save the Date:  Friday, April 20th   National Student Walkout.
 This is a nationwide protest of our leaders’ failure to pass laws that protect us from gun violence. Mass shootings happen far too frequently in America, and we as a nation have become numb to seeing the news. After each one, the same cycle takes place: the media spend less than a week on the story, politicians offer their “thoughts and prayers,” and nothing ever changes.  But after the horrific massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, young Americans are taking matters into their own hands.  On April 20th, the anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, American students will walk out of class and protest.  [[Adapted from data provided by The Indivisible Team.]


Arnie Matlin for GVCP

GVCP Membership Renewal

Renew your GVCP Membership.  Dues are $40.00 (more if possible, less if necessary). We do not request dues from other organizations with which we exchange newsletters, or from any of our overseas sister organizations.  Student affiliates should fill out the form, but need not pay dues.  Remember that GVCP doesn’t ask for financial contributions throughout the year.  Membership dues are our only source of income.  Please renew!  [$5.00 of your dues goes to PANYS.]


Name ___________________________________________________________

Postal Address ____________________________________________________


Email address ________________________________________________

___I have enclosed $__________for my membership dues. ($40.00—more if possible, less if necessary.)

___I am a student affiliate.  Please keep my name on the mailing list.  

___I can’t pay dues right now.  Please keep my name on the mailing list.

Mail checks payable to: GVCP, PO Box 363, Geneseo NY 14454

Note to members who receive this by e-mail: you may also receive a postal mailing of this newsletter. We do this once a year to encourage dues payment, as we can’t accept electronic payment.  Please send checks by postal mail, whether or not you get a postal mailing.

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