FW: [GVCP] FW: Peace Action Senior Farewell Invitation

April 30, 2018
Dear GVCP Members,

There was a typo in the message I forwarded about the Peace Action Senior Farewell party.  It was towards the end, and my hope is that people didn’t read that far.

Anyway, here’s a corrected version.  The date for the Senior Farewell party is Sunday, May 6th.


Arnie Matlin for GVCP

—– Forwarded Message
From: Clara Gallagher Geneseo PA <cvg2@geneseo.edu>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 18:51:39 -0400
To: Arnold Matlin1 <ahmatlingvcp@igc.org>
Subject: Re: [GVCP] FW: Peace Action Senior Farewell Invitation

Hi Arnie,

Something went wrong in the email and the attachment did not forward. I have reattached it.


On Apr 29, 2018, at 6:42 PM, Dr. Arnold Matlin <ahmatlingvcp@Igc.org> wrote:

[GVCP] FW: Peace Action Senior Farewell Invitation
Dear GVCP Member,

Here’s a chance to honor our sister group, Geneseo Peace Action.  Not only should we attend in order to support our student colleagues, but it should be a great party for everyone.  Note that the students were good organizers—they have planned the party to begin after the Peace Poetry event ends.  If you can be on campus for one event, you can be on campus for both!


Arnie Matlin for GVCP  

—— Forwarded Message
From: Clara Gallagher Geneseo PA <cvg2@geneseo.edu <x-msg://45/cvg2@geneseo.edu> >
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 17:09:59 -0400
To: Arnold Matlin1 <ahmatlingvcp@igc.org <x-msg://45/ahmatlingvcp@igc.org> >
Subject: Peace Action Senior Farewell Invitation

Dear GVCP,

Peace Action invites you to our Seniors’ goodbye/graduation party!

We will be losing two members this year: Uma Natarajan (President) and Erin Shaginaw (Social Media and Pr).

Please join us in saying goodbye to them.

When: Sunday May 6th, at 3:30pm

Where: Roemer Arboretum (Directions are attached)

What: A fun barbecue and a delicious cake!

We hope to see you there!!!!!


Peace Action

—— End of Forwarded Message

—— End of Forwarded Message

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