Solidarity with the people of Central America has always been a central theme of GVCP’s work for peace. This is a unique opportunity to meet and learn from a world expert in the field of institutionalized violence against women.
Arnie Matlin for GVCP
Dr. Brinton Lykes presents a Special Seminar
Friday, April 6th, 9:00 AM Milne Library Room 105
"Working with Marginalized Communities in Contexts of Violence"
Dr. M. Brinton Lykes is Professor of Community-Cultural Psychology in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. She is also Co-Director of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice at BC. For more than three decades, she has worked primarily with women and child survivors of war, political violence, and severe violations of human rights. She has engaged with communities in participatory action research projects primarily in Guatemala, and also Nicaragua and elsewhere.
In Guatemala, she stood with Maya Ixil and K’iche’ women and child survivors of more than 36 years of gendered, racialized violence and genocide.
Dr. Lykes received the prestigious International Humanitarian Award from the American Psychological Association.
Professor Lykes’ unique work draws on cultural resources, the creative arts, and participatory action to analyze the causes of violence, and document its effects. Her methods provide ways to allow the voices of affected people to be heard, and bring healing and justice to the community.
Her current research is particularly timely: sexual violence against women in the contexts of armed conflict and post-conflict transitions, and their struggles for truth, justice, healing, and reparations.
Free and open to the public!
For more information, go to Prof. Lyke’s webpage: