Come and Learn about Cuba and the Latin American School of Medicine!
Help maintain more open relations with Cuba!
WHEN: Tuesday, June 26, 6:30 PM
WHERE: Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, NY
ENJOY: Cuban-style empanadas and refreshments!
Free and open to the public!
While the Trump administration is trying to roll back the steps taken toward normalizing relations with Cuba, we will celebrate, fight back, and learn more about Cuba’s remarkable Latin American School of Medicine through the short film "Dare to Dream."
Special guest speaker Cheryl LaBash is currently one of five co-chairs of the National Network on Cuba, and works in Michigan with Doctors 4 Detroit, supporting the ELAM scholarship program and Detroit area students and graduates. She writes on current Cuba-related developments for Workers World newspaper, and serves in Washington DC with the International Committee’s annual Days of Action to end the blockade of Cuba.
Note that DUPC is accessible and looped for the hearing impaired.