Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972 “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363 Geneseo NY 14454
< <> > 585-624-3673 Find us on Facebook
September 14, 2018
Dear GVCP Member:
NEXT REGULAR GVCP MEETING is Saturday, September 22nd, 1:00 PM (Lunch), 1:30 PM (Meeting). Mae’s Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Rd (Route 20A) Geneseo. Note Saturday meeting date.
Save the Date: Geneseo Peace Action celebrates the International Day of Peace! Friday, September 21st, ISC patio, SUNY Geneseo Campus,
4:00 – 7:00 PM. Activities, food, and live performances. Family friendly!
Events in Washington, DC Friday to Sunday, November 9th to 11th.
Great News! Trump’s Military Parade Has Been Cancelled. Let’s build on that victory with peace events In Washington, DC.
Catharsis on the Mall: A Vigil for Healing National Mall near the Washington Monument (15th St. and Constitution Ave., NW) all weekend long. It will have art installations, live music, and booths.
Veterans Occupy Washington: Veterans will be holding a space at McPherson Square, 15th St. and I St., NW, from Friday night to Sunday night. They will have a stage and sound system for music and open mike throughout the weekend. They will also hold a BBQ for homeless veterans outside the Veteran’s Administration Building at Vermont Ave. and H St., NW on Sunday night. Stop by whenever you can and stay as long as you like.
Saturday, November 10, 2018 Peace Congress: End U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad Location: To be confirmed. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Check website below for registration information.
Sunday, November 11, 2018 March to Reclaim Armistice Day
March begins 11:00 AM.
For more information: <>
Arnie Matlin for GVCP
GVCP is proud to be affiliated with Peace Action New York State.