[GVCP] GVCP Newsletter 02-17-19

February 17, 2019

Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972  “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363 Geneseo NY 14454
<http://www.gvcp.org> 585-624-3673  Find us on Facebook

February 17, 2019

 Dear GVCP Member:

NEXT REGULAR GVCP MEETING is Sunday, February 24th, 1:00 PM (Lunch), 1:30 PM (Meeting).  Mae’s Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Road (Route 20A) Geneseo.  Note Sunday meeting date.

This Month’s Letter:  Stop the National Emergency order!  There no real threat at the border.  There’s no national emergency.  Let’s call on Congress to stop this fake national emergency and push back against this racist and anti-immigrant policy.  Write to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515.  (Or use her website.)


Arnie Matlin for GVCP
GVCP is proud to be affiliated with Peace Action New York State.


GVCP Membership Renewal

Renew your GVCP Membership.  Dues are $40.00 (more if possible, less if necessary).  We do not request dues from students, from other organizations with which we exchange newsletters, or from any of our overseas sister organizations.  Remember that GVCP only asks for financial contributions once a year.  These membership dues are our only source of income. Please renew!  [$5.00 of your dues goes to PANYS.]


Name ___________________________________________________________

Postal Address ____________________________________________________


Email address ________________________________________________

___I have enclosed $__________for my membership dues.  ($40.00—more if possible, less if necessary.)

___I am a student affiliate.  Please keep my name on the mailing list.

 ___I can’t pay dues right now.  Please keep my name on the mailing list.

 Mail checks payable to: GVCP. Send to PO Box 363, Geneseo NY 14454

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