Dear GVCP Member:
Peace Action Geneseo would formally like to invite GVCP and community members to our event
“The Faces of the Vietnam War.”
NEXT REGULAR GVCP MEETING is Sunday, February 24th, 1:00 PM (Lunch), 1:30 PM (Meeting). Mae’s Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Road (Route 20A) Geneseo. *Note that Jim Anderson, President of Peace Action NYS, will be joining us. Please be at the meeting to welcome him.*
Peace Action Geneseo would formally like to invite GVCP and community members to our event
“The Faces of the Vietnam War.”
What: A panel of community members that were affected by the Vietnam war will talk to us about how it still affects them today.
When: Monday, February 25th 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Where: Newton Hall 201 (Lecture hall on Geneseo Campus. On the corner of University Drive and Wadsworth St.) Street Parking available, as well as a parking lot in back of the building.