The MoveOn rally against Trump’s “State of Emergency” (Feb. 18th) was hosted by GVCP member Susan Bailey.
The rally received excellent journalistic coverage in The Livingston County News dated March 7th. This is the current issue, and is on sale in many places. (One good place to buy the LCN is the machine outside the LCN office on Main Street Geneseo.) If you aren’t in a position or location to buy the LCN, the article is online here.
The journalistic quality of this article is outstanding. The writer clearly understood why we were there, and he accurately reported that. Several people (including Susan Bailey) are quoted extensively. The photos capture the moment well.
MoveOn coordinated these rallies throughout the country. However, it took someone here to say, “Yes, I’ll be the host.” Without that, the rally wouldn’t have happened. In a way it’s sad to see that this was the only rally between Rochester and Binghamton. In another way, it’s important to remember that there wouldn’t have been any rally between Rochester and Binghamton if there hadn’t been a rally in Geneseo.
Arnie Matlin for GVCP