[GVCP] GVCP Newsletter 06-13-19

June 13, 2019

Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Founded 1972  “Human Race Not Arms Race”
PO Box 363 Geneseo NY 14454
www.gvcp.org    585-624-3673
June 13, 2019

Dear GVCP Member,

Next GVCP MEETING is Sunday, June 23rd, 1:00 PM (lunch) 1:30 PM (meeting).  Mae’s Restaurant, 4182 Lakeville Road (Route 20A), Geneseo.  All welcome.

We mourn the death of longtime GVCP activist Mike Connelly.

This month’s letter: We are in a dangerous period heading towards a war with Iran.  We all remember that the war against Iraq was based on Weapons of Mass Destruction, which were never found.  Now President Trump, under the influence of National Security Advisor Bolton, is escalating tensions with Iran, which may be very difficult to control.

These include: unilaterally stepping away from the Iran nuclear deal, ratcheting up oil and banking sanctions, increasing naval presence near the Iranian border in the Persian Gulf, and sending 1500 more troops to the region.  (Sending these extra troops is a strong provocation.)  War with Iran will mean death and destruction in Iran, and body bags returning to the U.S. for burial.
Just 16 years after the US thought that regime change would be easy and appropriate in Iraq, we are making the same mistakes, this time in Iran:

1) Provocations that precipitate war;
2) Military action instead of diplomacy;
3) Cultural attack—more anti-Muslim bigotry.

Our message is: No War with Iran!  You, as a Representative, have budgetary oversight power.  Use it. Don’t allow President Trump and John Bolton to repeat the same deceitful mistake we made in Iraq.  [Adapted from postcarder Trish Harren.]

WRITE TO: Your Representative, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Postal address: U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, 20515.  Check their websites for email addresses and phone numbers.


Arnie Matlin for GVCP

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