Dear GVCP member,
This action was forwarded by GVCP member Hank Stone. Sounds great.
Arnie Matlin for GVCP
What: A nonviolent gathering of people who support real and immediate climate action, as urged by Greta Thunberg, young Swedish climate activist.
When: Friday, September 20th 11:00 to Noon
Where: At the light, corner of Route 37 and 5&20, West Bloomfield, NY.
Who: YOU are invited! Bring friends, neighbors, and others who live on Earth! Spread the word!
What to bring:
Signs! Some suggestions:
- We stand with Greta
- Drill for wind
- Make fossil fuels history.
- Vote for carbon reductions
- Invest in sunshine
- Green is smart, not naive
- The sky IS falling
- Renewable Energy Economy
- Fossil fuels are the enemy
Science˜truthier than politics
Bring chairs of desired.
Bring literature you may wish to share.
Where to park: This is not a religious event, but the West Bloomfield Congregational Church (tall steeple, on that corner) invites us to use their parking lot.
Sponsored by the Knitting (discussion) Club. See
See you there!