Next GVCP ZOOM MEETING is Sunday, July 26th, 1:30 PM. Here is the Zoom information:
Topic: GVCP Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 4450 8914 Password: 132043 or
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 879 4450 8914 Password: 132043
Petition for the elimination of nuclear weapons (user-friendly):
Next GVCP Action is Wednesday, August 5th, 7:30 PM. Annual GVCP Hiroshima/Nagasaki Candlelight Vigil. This will be a physical, not virtual, event. We will meet at the Avon traffic circle, Routes 5 & 20, Avon. This yearly event—our 46th year—is a very powerful, moving, public statement of our dedication to peace and nuclear disarmament. This year is the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We timed our vigil for Wednesday, August 5th in the evening because it will be August 6th in the morning in Hiroshima, which is when the atomic bomb exploded.
Please join us, and bring a friend!
Note: We will all wear masks and practice physical distancing. The Avon traffic circle is large, and we will utilize the entire circumference.