GVCA Members Exhibit & Paula Henry Peace Award

February 15, 2021

Dear GVCP Members:

GVCP Member Holly Adams coordinates the Paula Henry Peace Award with Genesee Valley Council on the Arts.

GVCA’s 2021 Members Show and the annual Paula Henry Peace Award has been moved to May, but doesn’t yet have an official date. Still, Holly wants to share this information with GVCP members, so that our members are aware and thinking about it. If you’re also a member of GVCA, you might want to create and enter artwork about peace in the members show.

If you’re not a member of Genesee Valley Council on the Arts, you can become a member and then enter a piece that will be considered for the Paula Henry Peace Award. Remember that the winner receives $250.


Arnie Matlin on behalf of Holly Adams for GVCP

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