Peace Action statement on US airstrike

February 26, 2021

Peace Action: Stop Bombing, Start Talking

Peace Action released the following statement on the news of the U.S. airstrike on an Iranian-backed militia group in Syria, in retaliation for recent attacks on U.S. troops and contractors in Iraq:
“While there are hopes this U.S. airstrike was limited, targeted, and unlikely to cause escalation into a wider war, no one can be sure of that, and it contradicts President Biden’s stated goal of returning to diplomacy as the primary tool of U.S. foreign policy,” said Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund.
“The cycle of violence needs to end, especially for the long-suffering people of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, and we need to get U.S. troops out of the region as soon as possible. The U.S. and Iran have common interests in bringing peace and security to Southwest Asia, and we should be working together on those, and on reviving the Iran anti-nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA, which the Obama-Biden Administration signed and Trump withdrew from. Biden and his aides know these issues very well and need to make diplomacy, not airstrikes, the priority.”
Arnie Matlin for GVCP


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