Roses to Mission Report Back Recording

February 11, 2021

Dear GVCP Member,
I watched the “Roses to Missions” report and it was powerful. The concept—rewarding ambassadors and missions of countries that ratified the TPNW with visits and roses—was really creative.

Also, the organizing was outstanding. Watching the teams at work is like a real-life lesson on how to bring people together to accomplish an important goal.

There were a few technical glitches in the presentation—nothing new; it happens to us all—but they are trivial compared to the importance of what was accomplished. I know we all have Zoom fatigue, but watching this presentation will uplift you and boost morale.

Arnie Matlin for GVCP


Dear Friend,
Thank you for registering to be part of the Roses to Mission Report Back program held on Monday, February 8 to share with the public an inspiring project which delivered gratitude, roses and gifts to the 51 NYC UN Missions of the state parties who ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that allowed it to enter into force on January 22nd.

View the recording of the program if you were not able to attend.

View “Where to We Go From Here?” (pdf) Power Point slides shown in the program.

Many thanks to everyone who was part of the Roses to Missions project, including those who planned the project, contacted the missions, visited the missions, endorsed the project, spread the word, and lent their support in any way. Thank you to Tony Sahara for his beautiful design and to Sharleen Leahey for performing her song “If ICAN Can.” And, finally, we extend gratitude to all the Missions’ staff who made many accommodations to receive our visits and gifts.

If you want to take a next step to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), please help us press the NYC Council to pass pending No Nukes legislation:

NYC Council Res 0976-2019 calls for the City Comptroller to instruct pension funds to divest from and avoid any financial exposure to companies involved in the production and maintenance of nuclear weapons. It reaffirms New York City as a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone, and as part of ICAN Cities Appeal to support the TPNW.
NYC Council Int. 1621-2019 is a bill creating an advisory committee to examine nuclear disarmament and issues related to recognizing and reaffirming NYC as a nuclear weapons-free zone.
Currently there are 33 co-sponsors for this legislation, a super majority. It is ready to go to the full NYC Council for a vote.

  1. CALL the NYC COUNCIL SPEAKER COREY JOHNSON. Call the Speaker’s Legislative Director Jeffery Baker 212-788-7210, or District Office 212-564-7757. Leave a voicemail if you don’t get through to a staff member, and try again later. If you are not a New Yorkers, please share with a NY friend.

Phone Calling Script

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a New Yorker, resident of [BOROUGH] in zip code [ZIP CODE]. I am calling on COUNCIL MEMBER JOHNSON to bring Res 0976-2019 and Int. 1621-2019 to the full City Council for a vote to reaffirm New York City as a nuclear free zone, to divest our city pensions from nuclear weapons companies, and to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which entered into force on January 22, 2021.

  1. SEND an EMAIL to and cc with the same script as above.
  2. TWEET @NYCSpeakerCoJo

@NYCSpeakerCoJo 2 important bills in City Council call for NYC pension funds to divest from any companies producing nuclear weapons, reaffirm NYC as a nuclear weapons free zone, and call for NYC to join the Cities Appeal of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

Thank you, all!
Sally Jones, Peace Action New York State

Mari Inoue, Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World

This email is being sent for Roses to Missions project by:

Peace Action New York State
PO Box 3357, Church St. Station
New York, NY 10008-3357

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