Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
JOIN US as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary!
Picnic at Highland Park, Geneseo, NY
Saturday, May 7, 2022
· 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM
Food! Music! Inspiration!
Our Genesee Valley Peacemaker Award will be presented to Clare Grady, lifelong antinuclear activist.
We hope YOU can join us!
Peaceful people from Buffalo, Ithaca, NYC, Rochester, and Syracuse will be joining us as well!
GVCP is a proud chapter of Peace Action New York State
Here are some nuts-and-bolts matters about which you should know:
- We’re in a covered pavilion, so we’ll hold the event rain or shine.
- Parking will be tight at Highland Park, so, we’re no longer suggesting that people bring chairs. You may have to park your car outside the park, on village streets. If you have mobility problems, please call (585) 729-5931 for assistance.
- Bring place settings if you don’t mind carrying them in and out. (Optional.)
- We’ll have plenty of vegetarian options.
- The pavilion has a roof, but no walls. So, it’s an “outdoor” event. Even so, we expect everyone to be careful about Covid. We ask that all attendees observe guidelines for safe interaction with others during a time of a possible increase in numbers of Covid infections in this region. Outside gatherings like this one are less risky than indoor ones, but any large gatherings should be approached with care and respect for others.