GVCA Members Exhibit/Paula Henry Peace Award

January 9, 2020

Calling all artists! The Genesee Valley Council on the Arts (GVCA) is hosting their annual Members Exhibit in February!

In collaboration with GVCA, Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace will be presenting the third annual Paula Henry Peace award, to the artist whose piece most reflects the theme of world peace. The Paula Henry Peace Award honors the work and values of our dear friend Paula Henry, who passed away in 2017.  Paula was an artist, and a longtime member of both GCVP and GVCA. The winning piece will be selected by judges representing GVCA and GVCP, and will receive a $250 cash award.

Artists must register at GVCA by February 1st, 2020. All mediums are accepted. Artwork drop off is February 11-15th: Tues/Wed/Fri 11am – 4 pm, Thurs 11 am – 7 pm, Sat 11 am – 3 pm at the Arts Council at 4 Murray Hill Drive, Mt Morris, NY.

Reception and award presentation on Friday, February 21, 5-7 pm at the Arts Council. All GVCP members are encouraged to attend the reception. Refreshments will be served.

The Members Exhibit is definitely worth seeing, and taking part in. You do need to be a member to submit artwork for the show. Individual membership is only $10. Art is an excellent medium with which to spread our message of peace.

Questions, contact Holly at hadams@keshequa.org


Holly Adams


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